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Members, complete the Be You Crew Questionnaire and tell us what activities and trips your kids would like! 

The members of the 'Be you Crew' are any families living in the Staffordshire Moorlands and surrounding area who want the opportunity for them and their children to socialise and enjoy some fun and new activities.  The 'Be you Crew' is all about its members, whether they attend some or all of the events, whether they contribute information on our face book site or help to organise, host and provide ideas for activities.


One barrier that people of children with additional needs have identified is that they don't really know where they fit in.  I hope that the brief introduction below to some of our founder family members will show you what a diverse group we are and that all are welcome and all can benefit.

"Hi, my names Claire and I'm a busy Mum to 3 gorgeous kids.  I spend my time juggling work and all the usual things  that comes with a family.  I've always encouraged my children to try new things but there just didn't seem to be the same opportunities for my full of fun 10 year old.  That's why the Be You Crew sounded such a good idea.  Alex has a Moderate Learning Disability and was in mainstream until joining Springfield Special School in Leek at 9.  hope that the Be You Crew's trips and activities will let his siblings see their brother in a really positive light whilst giving them the opportunity to meet others with shared experiences.  For Alex he gets to try new things and enjoy himself.  Often reluctant to join in and go to places, Alex really loves and looks forward to the Be You Crew!

"My name is Angela, and I have 4 wonderful children and experience of parenting children with extra special needs.  I have worked as a Registered Learning Disability  Nurse for the majority of my working life mainly helping young people transition into adult services.  Having dedicated my career to disability and having personal experience within the family I have become increasingly aware of the challenges we all face on a day to day basis. I believe these challenges can impact on the family as a whole. The obvious lack in available opportunities for our children and sibling groups is unacceptable. Therefore I hope the club can bring about opportunities to share information and experiences through social media and face to face at social events. My main aim is for the club to evolve through consultation and partnership with its members. "

"Hi my name is Lucy and I have two fabulous boys. My eldest son was born with a rare syndrome which has resulted in him having a severe developmental delay. As a family we have at times found it really difficult to take part in activities together, particularly sports. Over the last 16  years I have found it very frustrating that there are very few activities in the Staffordshire Moorlands area for my son to attend, at times I have also wished that there were some activities they could both experience together. Our first Be You Crew disco was a great chance for us all to do something together, and the recent animal party offered my boys another chance for them to share a new experience. Having a child with a disability can be very isolating for families and I would love to encourage more socialising amongst our local community, in a positive and fun way."

Call us:

07904 034596 Claire

07467 193260  Angela

The Close, Leek Road, Longsdon, ST9 9QH


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