If you know of any (or are) groups, services or organisations local to the Staffordshire Moorlands, North Staffordshire or Stoke and think they would benefit group members then please message us with information, thanks.
ASLAN Additional needs support Leek area network. A face book group and parent group that meets once a fortnight on a Thursday Morning at the Green Dragon, Leek.
SENDIASS provide confidential, impartial information from education law on disability, health and social care to help parents/carers, children and young people in making informed choices enabling them to play an active role in relation to educational decisions.
Chuckle welcome parents or guardians who would like more guidance regarding their child’s needs. If you are bogged down with negativity about your child and/or have no good professional support then go here!! Fantastic, positive and skilled people.
PEGIS A forum/support group for parents/carers of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disability (SEND) and young people (up to the age of 25) with SEND to engage in informal discussion around educational issues and concerns.
Caudwell Children offer family support and advice services, short breaks, local activities (look in the youth zone), mobility and sensory equipment, treatment services and the Caudwell International Childrens Centre (opening soon).
NSC Support group for young carers based in Staffordshire.
Becoming a member of the NSAAA allows you to access our library facilities, take part in social events as well as participate in our parent support groups. You will also receive our newsletter which is sent out 3 times a year.
SEND Local Offer The Local Offer brings together information from education, health and social care about Special Educational Needs and/or Disability (SEND) in one place and covers children and young people from birth to 25 years
Space 4 Autism are a Voluntary Run Charity and we support the Whole Family by holding monthly parent support meetings/workshops and events, clubs for all ages and a whole lot more.
Our Space provides social and recreational opportunities for children and adults with disabilities. We cater for different age groups including a popular family session on a Saturday afternoon where the whole family can come and enjoy our facilities at The Brook Centre in Newcastle-under-Lyme. The Brook Centre has more than an acre of outside space, an indoor soft play area, a large kitchen area and fully accessible toilet facilities. We also provide play schemes during school holidays and Family Fun Days.
Small Talk are an independent SLT team specialising in Asd inc PDA, Selective mutism and other more tricky cases. They provide one-off assessments or regular therapy. Some fab webinars plus a parents question face book page https://www.facebook.com/smalltalkspeechandlanguagetherapy Twitter @smarttalkers
PDSS direct I worked as part of Staffordshire's PDSS for 11 years, following the service being decommissioned I decided to set up independently, as I feel there is still a need for this essential role to support children with physical difficulties. My work includes advice on resources, support & guidance for SEND assessment, access to the curriculum, mobility/ physical access, liaison with other agencies, and professionals, handwriting assessments, touch typing, gross and fine motor skills, care plan and risk assessment advice, moving and handling training, independence, self-help skill- and life skills, staff training on, basic signing, dyspraxia, hypermobility and handwriting.
SpeakWrite offers families and schools a flexible and affordable service to support speech, language and communication needs. With over 20 years combined experience teaching and supporting a variety of needs within mainstream and special education, Debbie and Anya are trained and qualified to deliver specialist interventions that can be adapted to suit the learning needs of every child. We work collaboratively with schools to ensure inclusion of curriculum topics and to feedback progression and strategies to be reinforced both at home and within the classroom. Follow us on Facebook at speakwrite1
Code Breakers is a programme developed by Georgina Smith dyslexia assessor and tutor is a dyslexia and literacy boosting programme available to buy as a school or parent. It is suitable for ages 5-16 and post 16/adult learners. Leek Dyslexia and Literacy Support is a private tuition and dyslexia assessment service.
FRONTLINE dance breaks down the barriers for people to engage in dance and performance by creating opportunities for those who would not usually get the opportunity to do so. They offer weekly sessions for disabled children and young people to dance, make friends, and develop skills that will support them in daily life, all whilst having lots of fun Facebook/Twitter @FRONTLINEdance1
Magick Heart Holistics and Mini Me Yoga delivers kids yoga and massage, more specifically specialised yoga for Autism Spectrum and developmental massage for additional needs. Telephone Melissa: 07715304842

Beautiful Young Minds is a support group for parents and carers of children who have (or may have) autism, which meets twice monthly in Buxton. Meetings, one daytime the other evening, gives parents and carers the opportunity to come together in a relaxed environment and talk, without fear of judgment, about the rewarding, but sometimes challenging, experience of caring for a child with autism. www.facebook.com/BeautifulYoungMinds beautifulyoungmindsbuxton@gmail.com